Barter, Derek (2023) The Older Learner (and Teacher). Department of Adult and Community Education Maynooth.
Barter, Derek (2023) The Slow Learner: Feeling our way to Thinking about Lifelong learning. PRISM: Casting New Light on Learning Theory & Practice, 5 (2). ISSN 2514-5347
Barter, Derek and Hyland, Sinead (2023) The communiversity: A partnership approach to community engaged adult education. European Journal of University Lifelong Learning, 7 (1). pp. 19-26. ISSN 27894029
Barter, Derek (2022) The Dept. of Adult and Community Education annual Addiction Studies/Psychology Seminar and the ALL Symposium present Growing Space Recovery Community. In: Co-Building Opportunities, Recovery, Education and Capabilities. Bridging the Interpretive Gap., 24-Feb-22 26-Feb-22, Maynooth University.
Barter, Derek (2021) The Communiversity Network: Access All Areas. White Paper. Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Dublin, Ireland.
Nugent, Margaret, Grummell, Bernie, Finnegan, Fergal, Fitzsimons, Camilla, O'Neill, Jerry, Barter, Derek, Ryan, Mary B., Kenny, Michael and Burns, Gareth (2021) DACE Equity of ACCESS Submission to the National Access Plan 2022-2026. Project Report. Maynooth University.
Barter, Derek (2021) Change One Thing: The Leaving Cert. needs a rethink. ALL Blog, Assisting Living and Learning (ALL) Institute Maynooth University.
Barter, Derek and Hyland, Sinead (2020) The ComMUniversity: A review of the Communiversity: The University for All 2020. Project Report. Maynooth University. (Unpublished)
Barter, Derek and Grummell, Bernie (2020) Learning to live with it: reflections on surviving critical times from Irish adult education. eucen Studies, 4 (1). pp. 31-36. ISSN 2616-6674
Barter, Derek (2020) Maynooth University: Submission to the HEA Research on Mature Student Participation in Higher Education. Executive Briefing. Maynooth University.
Barter, Derek, Grummell, Bernie and Kenny, Michael (2020) Submission to consultation about 10-year Adult Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy (ALND) Strategy for Ireland From The Department of Adult and Community Education, Maynooth University. Executive Briefing. Maynooth University.
Barter, Derek, Burns, Gareth, Grummell, Bernie, Kenny, Michael and O'Neill, Jerry (2020) Submission to the independent review of the Student Grant Scheme by The Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Department of Adult and Community Education, Maynooth University. Executive Briefing. Maynooth University.
Barter, Derek (2010) Return to education for recovering drug addicts: the Soilse Project. The Adult Learner. pp. 132-149. ISSN 0790-8040
Barter, Derek (2008) National identity construction and the popular ballad in nineteenth century Ireland. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.