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Campbell, Gordon (2002) Lucretius and the Memes of Prehistory. Leeds International Classical Studies, Discussion Paper 1.
Campbell, Gordon (2002) Lucretius 5.1011-27: the origins of justice and the Prisoner's Dilemma. Leeds International Classical Studies, 1 (3).
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Campbell, Gordon (2000) Zoogony and Evolution in Plato's Timaeus: The Prescoratics, Lucretius and Darwin. Reason and necessity: Essays on Plato's Timaeus. pp. 145-180.
Campbell, Gordon (2015) Oracular Cosmology in Lucretius. In: Fondation Hardt Entretiens 61: Cosmologies et cosmogonies dans la littérature antique, 2014. Fondation Hardt, Geneva, pp. 149-178. ISBN 9782600007610
Campbell, Gordon (2014) Lucretius, Empedocles, and Cleanthes. In: The Philosophizing Muse: the Influence of Greek Philosophy on Roman Poetry. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 26-60. ISBN 9781443859752
Campbell, Gordon (2002) Bicycles, Centaurs, and Man-Faced Ox-Creatures: Ontological Instability in Flann O'Brien, Lucretius, Empedocles, and Piero de Cosimo. [In Collection]