Ryan, Martin (2018) Design-driven Entrepreneurship; An interview with four Irish designer-founders. Iterations: Design Research and Practice Review (7). pp. 36-43. ISSN 2009-8243
Ryan, Martin and Vaughan, Trevor (2018) How Irish design consultancies align with Ireland's Innovation 2020 priorities: a preliminary study. ITERATIONS Design Research and Practice Review (7). pp. 18-25. ISSN 2009-8243
Ryan, Martin and Vaugh, Trevor (2018) Design thinking, the driver of innovation in Irish industry: An Interview with Denis Hayes, Managing Director of the IRDG. ITERATIONS Design Research and Practice Review. pp. 46-51. ISSN 2009-8243
Devitt, Frank, Ryan, Martin, Robbins, Peter and Vaugh, Trevor (2017) Unlocking Design Thinking’s Potential. In: The ISPIM Innovation Summit – Building the Innovation Century, 10-13 Dec 2017, Melbourne, Australia.
Vaugh, Trevor and Ryan, Martin (2015) Getting the right design or getting the design right; An observation of 18 projects progressing through a structured design thinking process. ITERATIONS Design Research and Practice Review, 1 (1). pp. 14-21. ISSN 2009-8243
Ryan, Martin and Devitt, Frank (2014) An investigation into design thinking behaviours in early stage radical innovation. Proceedings of the 19th DMI: Academic Design Management Conference. pp. 2755-2779. ISSN 978-0-615-99152-8